sabato 29 luglio 2017

DOBRUJA HYPOGEA: International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities 2019 - FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

Dear Colleagues
the first International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities; HYPOGEA 2015 was held in Rome / Italy during March 11-15, 2015 . The second one - HYPOGEA 2017 took place in Ürgüp- Cappadocia / Turkey during March 6-10, 2017. 

The 3-rd edition of HYPOGEA congress will be held in Bulgaria from 20 to 25 May 2019. 

This important event will be organized by Bulgarian Caving Society in collaboration with differ-ent Bulgarian regional museums of history and scientific institutions and under the patronages of International Union of Speleology in the face of its Commission of Artificial Cavities, Balkan Speleological Union , HYPOGEA Federation – Italy and Municipality of Dorbrich City, Bulgaria. This speleological congress is dedicated to the 90 - th anniversary of organized speleology in Bulgaria. 

Date and venue:
HYPOGEA’ 2019 will be held in Dobrich City in May 20 -25 2019. During and after the Congress there will be several excursions to various artificial cavities, rock monasteries and churches, cave dwellings in North – East Bulgaria. 

Goals & Objectives of the event:
The main object of HYPOGEA 2019 Congress is to continue the tradition to gather together the explorers of artificial cavities all over the world, which beginning was put in Roma and continue during the second edition of the congress in Capadocia - Turkey. The second, but not the last goal of the Congress is to increase dialogue and encourage the collaboration among the non-professional and professional explorers of artificial cavities and to provide an opportunity for members of the community to share their experiences under exploration and study of under-ground cavities and to promote the preservation of subterranean historical and cultural herit-age. 

Working language: English

Focuses of the discussions: 
  • Results of the exploration of different kind of objects in accordance of their type, origin and use; 
  • Historical, cultural and economic importance of the artificial cavities; 
  • Hazards, protection , remediation and rehabilitation; 
  • Technics for collecting of scientific information, cave mapping, visualization and interpre-tation of obtained data; 
  • General matters concerning artificial cavities. 
The contributions are expected in English language and can be presented orally (max. 12 min. + 3 min. discussion) or as a poster, based upon a selection by the Scientific Committee. 

  1. Abstract submission: December 31-st 2017 
  2. Confirmation of the abstracts: March 31-st 2018 
  3. Final contribution: July 31-th, 2018 
  4. Early birds up to: October 15-th, 2018 
  5. Registration closing date: May 1-st, 2019
In order to ensure distribution of the proceedings during the Congress, the above deadlines will be strictly maintained.

Organising Committee: